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The Power of Connection

Connection is the driving in force in many things we do and how we relate to others. Some connection is deeper than others. An analogy in my own life is that when I spend a lot of solitary time my system runs off of batteries and at some point it will be important to...

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Emmy Win for Pedaling to Stop Pushing

Emmy Win for Pedaling to Stop Pushing

It was the first week of October 2016 and a large group of professional storytellers descended upon Branson, MO for the fortieth anniversary of the Mid America Emmys. I’ve always had mixed emotions about awards which focus on something as subjective as art, but I was...

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The Importance of Story and Script

The Importance of Story and Script

What’s the first thing one should have before making a movie?  A story!  This is followed by a script which is usually preceded by an outline to map out plot points or beats.  Once the foundation and framework is established then the writing tends to flow. It’s much...

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